This download contains the printouts and resources from my recent Keep In Touch workshop for children. The concept of this activity is to encourage writing and drawing while connecting with a friend or relative by post. You can also factor in the walk to the post box or perhaps an outing for children to draw pictures/write about.
This document contains 5 A4 pages:
- Guidance for children on how to write a letter.
- Templates to trace or copy
- A list of things to enclose within a letter
- Colourful references to paint/draw from
- Examples of finished fairies.
You will also need:
- Art supplies suitable for drawing/colouring on paper. Such as: crayons, colouring pencils, drawing pencils and rubbers, pens, water-based paints.
- A valid stamp of your choice
- An envelope (plus spares)
- Writing paper or a card to go inside
- An hour or so to complete the drawing and write your letter
- A postbox to stop at or walk to
*Please note that this product is a digital pdf download not an in-person or online workshop*
Children's Decorated Letter Activity
This download is for personal use only. Thank you for respecting the intellectual property of the artist by not passing this download on to others. If you're interested in using these resources or organising an activity like this at your school please get in touch.